Herbalife Independent Distributor Malaysia

Sunday 12 July 2015

How To Drink More Water?

7 Ways to Boost Your Water Intake

Need to drink more water? Try these tips for boosting your water intake every day.

“I should drink more water.” It’s something I hear from clients all the time. They know their water intake isn’t up to par – but they just can’t figure out how to drink more water than they usually do. When I ask people why they don’t drink enough water, I usually hear one of two things – many tell me that they just haven’t established a regular water-drinking habit, and lots of people I talk to say that they just “don’t like water.” I probably don’t need to remind you why drinking enough water is so important… but I’m going to anyway, because it might help “drive you to drink.”

Why it’s Important to Drink Enough Water

Your body is more water than it is anything else – about 60-70% of your body weight is water. And the fluid in your body is involved in an amazing number of important tasks. You need to drink enough water so that your body can properly digest your food and deliver nutrients to your cells – and to get rid of substances that your body doesn’t want. Without enough water, controlling body temperature would be a challenge, your joints would lack lubrication and your muscles would tire more quickly, too. The bottom line is this: every cell, tissue and organ needs water in order to function properly.

7 Tips to Help you Drink More Water

If you find it hard to drink enough water every day, here are some tips that might help you.

See it. It can be really helpful if you can actually see the amount of water you plan to drink and to track your progress over the course of the day. Put the amount of water you plan to have in a pitcher on your kitchen counter or keep it at your desk. It will serve as a reminder to drink more, and you’ll be motivated to sip on it as the day goes by – and meet your goal of finishing it.

Cool it. Cold water often seems more refreshing than room-temperature water. Try stashing a bottle of water in your freezer, and carry it with you during the day. It will stay cold for several hours, and you might be encouraged to drink more.

Wake up to it. “Morning mouth” is a reminder that most of us are naturally a bit dehydrated in the morning. So, keep a glass of water by your bed, and drink it first thing – before your feet even hit the floor.

Sip it. Try sipping through a straw. Maybe it’s just more fun, maybe it’s that you take larger sips of water – I don’t know why this works, but lots of people tell me that they drink more water when they use a straw.

Flavor it. Make your own spa water. Add a slice of fresh lemon or lime, some cucumber, a few berries, some fresh mint or a slice of fresh ginger to your water. It makes it feel special and adds a hint of refreshing flavor.

Eat it. Treat water like an appetizer and start your meals with a glass of water. Not only will you work more water into your day, it might curb your appetite a bit, too.

Track it. Just like keeping track of your calorie intake, keeping track of how much water you drink can help a lot, too. That’s why the pitcher-on-the-desk trick works so well – at any moment, you can see how much water you’ve had and how much you need to drink before the day is over. If you want to go high tech, there are apps for your phone that can send you drinking reminders, keep track of your progress and even give you a virtual pat on the back when you’ve met your goal.

Written by Susan Bowerman MS, RD, CSSD. Director of Nutrition Training at Herbalife.
Susan is a Registered Dietitian and a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics.

Nutrition Information from Herbalife-Hub, July 2015.

Thursday 4 December 2014

What is Low-GI Foods?

Why is GI important?

GI is a measure of how quickly a carbohydrate containing food causes blood sugar to rise in reference to a standard food. In other words, GI reflects the blood glucose raising ability of digestible carbohydrates in a given food. Low-GI foods contain carbohydrates that are more slowly digested and therefore produce a less pronounced rise in blood glucose levels post meal.

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*These products is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

How To Use Food To Feel More Alert

Want to feel more alert? To keep up your mental energy and focus, you have to eat the right foods, at the right time.

The next time your mental energy is fading and you feel like you can’t string two sentences together, think back. When did you last eat? What did you have? Have you been drinking enough liquids? Skipped meals, unbalanced meals, and dehydration can all zap your mental energy and focus. (And don’t forget that getting adequate sleep and rest is part of the equation, too).

How what you eat affects your mental energy
What is mental energy, anyway? It’s actually got several features – including your overall mood, your motivation, as well as your attention and focus. When your mental engine is revved up, there’s a good chance your diet had something to do with it. So, here’s some “food for thought”.

What to eat to keep your mental energy up all day long?

Carbs fuel your brain
Glucose, derived from carbohydrates in your diet, is the only fuel that normally feeds your brain cells. After they’re broken down during the digestive process, carbohydrates enter the bloodstream as glucose (your ‘blood sugar’).

Since your brain is active 24/7, it has high energy demands – higher than any other cells in your body. And, since brain cells can’t store glucose, your brain needs a continuous supply. High-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains, take a longer time to digest, which leads to a more gradual release of glucose into your system, and to your brain.

On the other hand, a meal high in refined carbohydrates – think starchy, sugary foods – can actually backfire on you. Since these foods are digested relatively quickly, you may experience a quick rise in your blood sugar, often followed by a quick drop. This is commonly known as a sugar crash, and can make you feel mentally sluggish.

Your brain wants fuel at regular intervals
Since your brain wants a steady source of glucose, it’s important to eat at regular intervals throughout the day to keep your mental energy from taking a nosedive. Aim for small meals and healthy snacks every 3-4 hours.

Your brain wants breakfast
There’s plenty to be said about the importance of breakfast, and giving your brain a boost is just another reason to fuel up first thing in the morning. Even while you sleep, your brain keeps working through the night, burning through the fuel, such that the ‘glucose’ tank is pretty empty by morning. Do your brain a favor and start your day with a well balanced breakfast that includes both healthy carbohydrates and protein.

The best proteins for your brain
Even though your brain doesn't use protein directly for fuel, it does use amino acids, derived from the proteins that you eat, to manufacture important brain chemicals. Dopamine, a brain chemical that promotes alertness and brain activity, is derived from tyrosine, an amino acid found in poultry, fish, dairy products, nuts and beans, while serotonin, which promotes feelings of calmness and contentment, is derived from tryptophan found in seafood, poultry, dairy products and soybeans.

The best beverages for the brain
When your body is dehydrated, it can affect your mood and your energy level. Mild dehydration reduces alertness and your ability to concentrate, and by the time you feel thirsty, your mental energy has already taken a hit. Water is always a good choice, but coffee and tea in moderation are fine, too. Caffeine containing beverages may help with focus and concentration – but are advisable only in small doses. You need to hydrate properly, eat right, and monitor your own response to the caffeine you’re taking in. If it makes you jittery or keeps you up at night, you’d be wise to cut back. Using caffeine for a brain boost during the day won’t do you much good if it interferes with a good night’s sleep.

Written by Susan Bowerman MS, RD, CSSD. Susan is a paid consultant for Herbalife.
Nutrition Information from Herbalife-Hub, October 2014.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Herbalife Recipe: Pineapple & Carrot Shake

Looking for something new for your Herbalife Formula 1 breakfast? Let watch the video on how to make a pineapple & carrot shake with Herbalife Formula 1. Learn from expert, Herbalife Nutritionist Susan Bowerman.

Simple right? Hope you enjoy your healthy shake breakfast with different recipe today. Welcome to share your own recipe with us if any...

Sunday 31 August 2014

Pick a Fitness Routine That's Right For You

Living a healthy active lifestyle is something that is great for everyone. Making good nutrition choices daily and striving to become more active in your everyday life can have a positive impact on your health and your overall body confidence.

Once you find activities that you enjoy doing, it’s easier to be consistent with your fitness routine and to improve your overall fitness level. Exercising consistently is key to getting fit. Many people believe that exercise has to be done in a gym or using specific equipment, but the truth is even walking can be an effective way to improve your fitness. In my opinion, any type of physical activity that you do consistently, enjoy and strive to do a little more today than you did yesterday, can be turned into a successful fitness routine. Whether you enjoy walking, hiking or running, here are some tips that allow you to challenge yourself and improve your fitness level.

Walking, Hiking and Running
Cardio training can lower your resting heart rate, lower your stress level and, when combined with reduced caloric intake, lead to weight loss. Walking, running and hiking can all be great ways to get a cardio workout and improve your fitness level.

If walking is your preferred form of exercise you can make it more challenging by:
• Increasing your walk duration/distance.
• Increasing your pace and using your arms in a power walk style.
• Adding some lunges to your regular walk to help improve your leg strength.
• Increasing the frequency of your walks by adding one extra day a week.

If you enjoy hiking, you can get more out of your hike by: Finding a hike with a challenging gradient - the steeper the hill, the harder your body has to work.
• Varying the type of trail surface you hike on, starting out on mostly flat trails and building up to sandy or rocky surfaces.
• Picking up your pace and giving trail running a try - it will increase the intensity of your hike.

If running is your workout of choice, you can take it to the next level by:
• Setting a time-based goal (20-30 minutes, for example) and, once you can successfully run for the entire duration, increase your time.
• Adding in some hill running or varied terrain into your program.

Article wrtitten by Samantha Clayton, Director, Worldwide Fitness Education, is a former competitive sprinter, AFAA and ISSA certified trainer, holds a degree in applied chemistry a and is a proud mother of four.

Nutrition Information from Herbalife-Hub, September 2014.


Keep Your Heart Healthy at Any Age

Even if it’s not something we look forward to, aging is inevitable. As the years come and go, signs of aging appear. With time, everyone will notice a few gray hairs and wrinkles revealing their age when they look in the mirror. It should come as no surprise that for all the external signs of aging we undergo, we’re actually aging internally too. You may have already noticed creakier bones, worsening vision, and achy joints, but you may not have noticed the changes to your cardiovascular system.

One of the most important organs in the cardiovascular system is the endothelium, which lines your blood vessels and produces Nitric Oxide. As the endothelium ages, Nitric Oxide production naturally declines. This decrease is completely normal, but since healthy Nitric Oxide production maintains blood flow to your vital organs, it makes sense to do everything you can to make sure your endothelium is as healthy as possible.

The great thing about cardiovascular health is that it’s never too late to start making healthier choices – I was in my 60s when I started running marathons! By supporting the health of my endothelium and heart every day, now that I’m in my 70s I feel better than I did in my 40s. Make the commitment to your well-being by aging as healthfully as possible. While you can’t stop or reverse the aging process, you can still look and feel great as you get older.

5 easy ways to support healthy aging of the endothelium:

Eat well
A healthy diet is the cornerstone for endothelial health. Closely adhering to a diet that emphasizes healthy fats, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, herbs and spices, and whole grains supports healthy endothelial function.

Move often
Movement stimulates the endothelial cells to produce Nitric Oxide, making exercise one of the most important steps to supporting endothelial health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend 150 minutes of exercise per week. If you can move more than that, great! More movement equals more support for the endothelial cells.

Take nutritional supplements
In addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise, be sure your endothelium is getting the nutrients it needs to support healthy function. Dietary supplements like L-arginine, L-citrulline, CoQ10, krill oil, Omega-3 DHA and EPA, and garlic support healthy endothelial cells and Nitric Oxide production.

Laugh more
Laughter has been long known to have positive effects on the body and mind, and it turns out it’s good for the endothelium, too. Research presented at the Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology showed that laughter causes the endothelium to dilate, or expand, in order to increase blood flow.

Sleep well
When you’re busy, it’s tempting to scrimp on sleep. But getting plenty of sleep and rest is actually a productive activity for the body, and especially the endothelial cells. Getting the recommended eight hours of sleep per night gives your endothelial cells the chance to heal and regenerate.

Healthy aging really comes down to healthy living. Take it one day at a time, and remember that each great choice you make adds up to a lifetime of wellness and vitality.

Written by Louis Ignarro, Ph.D.Dr. Ignarro is a member of both the Editorial and Nutrition Advisory Boards of the Herbalife Nutrition Institute and receives compensation for his endorsement of Herbalife® products. Herbalife markets an heart health supplements.

Nutrition Information from Herbalife-Hub, September 2014.


Monday 4 August 2014

Can Your Metabolic Rate Make You Gain Or Lose Weight?

When patients tell me their weight problems are due to a “slow metabolism”, I think they truly believe that their bodies simply burn calories at a slower pace than other people’s bodies do. In their minds, if they only they could speed up the process, their weight problems would be solved. But what is “metabolism”, exactly? And – more importantly – is there anything you can do to change it?

Truths and myths about metabolism 
In truth, your body weight and your metabolic rate are linked – but perhaps not in the way you might think. Simply stated, the term metabolism refers to all the chemical processes that your body undergoes every day in order to keep you alive. When your body converts the calories in your food into energy, or manufactures specialized chemicals that your cells need in order to do their job – those are metabolic processes. These processes your body performs every day – hundreds of them – make up your “metabolism”.

I can see how the term metabolic rate could confuse people. When you hear the word “rate”, you might think “speed” or “tempo” – so, it’s reasonable to assume that metabolic rate can only mean how fast (or slow) your body performs its work.

In reality, though, your metabolic rate (or, more accurately, your resting metabolic rate) refers to
the number of calories you burn during a 24-hour period just to keep your body’s most basic processes going – processes like pumping blood, or breathing. Of course, this isn't all the calories you burn in a day, but your resting metabolic rate accounts for a sizable chunk – about 75% of total calories you use up every

What factors influence metabolic rate? 
Some people’s bodies use up more calories to perform these basic metabolic processes than others (you might think they have a “fast” metabolism). And for those who seem to require very few calories, you might think their metabolism is “slow”. 

But now that you know that your metabolic rate isn't really about how quickly you burn calories – it’s really the number of calories you burn each day – you can’t technically make your body burn calories any faster.

But, let’s look at what affects your metabolic rate in the first place – it will give you a better sense for what you can and can’t do to change it.

Your body size
Larger people have higher metabolic rates than smaller people do, and this is due largely to the simple fact that they just have more cells – each of which is doing some metabolic work. That’s one reason that men usually have higher metabolic rates then women – they just tend to have bigger bodies overall.

Your body composition
A very important factor in determining your metabolic rate is your lean body mass. Imagine that your body is divided into two parts: one part is your fat, and the other part is your lean body mass (everything else that isn’t fat, like bone, fluids, organs and muscles).

This lean body mass determines your metabolic rate because every pound of lean mass you
have burns about 14 calories per day (or about 30 calories per kilogram) – while a pound of fat
only uses up about two. Muscle cells have a lot more machinery that converts calories into energy than your fat cells do, so it makes sense that as your muscle mass increases, so would your metabolic rate

Your age
As you age, there is a tendency to lose some muscle mass. Natural hormonal changes contribute to some loss of muscle mass. Furthermore, the muscle damage that results
from everyday wear and tear isn’t repaired quite as quickly as you age – and that can contribute to some muscle loss, too. With fewer muscle cells overall, you can’t help but burn fewer calories over the course of the day.

Your gender
Men have higher rates than women do for two simple reasons. They tend to be larger overall, and they tend to have more muscle mass than women do.

Cutting your calorie intake too much
It’s true that when you cut your calorie intake too much, your metabolic rate can take a dip. This makes sense if you think about it – your body is just trying to do the same metabolic work with fewer calories in order to keep you alive. But, in general, these decreases are relatively small, especially if you make modest – rather than dramatic – decreases in your calorie intake as you attempt to lose weight.

So, what can I do to boost my metabolic rate? Now that you know what factors affect your metabolic rate, what can you do about it?

• Eat enough protein.
Your body uses the protein you eat to build and repair muscle tissue. If you don’t consume enough protein in your diet, your body simply doesn't have the raw materials it needs to manufacture and repair your muscle cells.

• Build muscle mass.
This is probably one of the most important things you can do, since building muscle will increase the amount of lean body mass you have – which increases your overall resting metabolic rate. And, don’t think strength training is only for the younger set – with the right diet and proper exercise, your body is capable of building muscle at any age.

• Increase your daily activity.
Any activity burns calories, but that, in itself, doesn’t affect your metabolic rate. But, when you exercise, you are using your muscles to move your body – and that helps to preserve your lean body mass.

And, bumping up your activity can also help to offset any dips in your metabolic rate as a result of cutting your calorie day are used simply to keep your body ticking.

Article written by Susan Bowerman MS, RD, CSSD. Susan is a paid consultant for Herbalife.
Nutrition Information from Herbalife-Hub, August 2014.
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