Herbalife Independent Distributor Malaysia

Wednesday 23 October 2013

The Benefits Of Detoxification

- Do you really need to detoxify?
- What the benefit of detoxification?

Our bodies are constantly bombarded with all kinds of toxins.Toxins come in various form like pollution from the air we breathe, our drinking water, processed foods, chemicals from personal care products, electromagnetic radiation and more.

Although our body had the ability to detoxify to cleanse quickly because of more toxin building everyday. As these pollutants end up in the body, they can cause symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and other serious health problems. Many others likes;

  • Bad breaths and body odor
  • Feeling tired, sluggish lethargic and fatigue
  • Weak immune system (constantly catching the colds and flu)
  • Skin and sinus problems (eczema, acne, sensitive skin, rashes, puffy eyes)
  • Digestive problems (indigestion heartburn, constipation, irritable bowel)
  • Lack of focus and concentration

Is some of the above symptoms sound familiar to you?? For the body to perform optimally, it's necessary to detoxify. The liver is the largest internal organ by breaking down harmful substances. Its by-products are excreted into the bile or blood and leave the body in the form of feces or urine. 

Although the liver is the main organ that detoxifies the body, the colon and kidneys also plays an important role in the detoxing process. 

When on a detox program, it's important to cleanse the entire body including the liver, colon and kidneys. This will allow the body to function without experiencing the many illnesses and other harmful side effects that toxins can cause. Detoxing can do more than make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow - Its can boost energy levels, improve digestion and help shed some unwanted weight too. It is for these reasons, that it is important to periodically detoxify

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